Sunday, December 4, 2011

Not Left Out!!!

I've been posting about things my oldest daughter has been doing this week, but do not think for a second that my younger too have been out of the loop!  We made picture frames (more on those later this week), and yesterday during the gingerbread house party they went to the art museum with my husband for some drop-in art, which is a fantastic program our city museum does.  Every Saturday from 1-4, you can go do whatever art project their education staff has going for the day.  We have painted Monet's Sunflowers, made our own ink prints for Valentine's greetings, learned how to make hats out of paper, and lots of other things!  Yesterday they were using clay to make snowmen.  Of course, my children and their dad came home with mice and dogs and snakes, along with the snowmen!  

Recipe for this DIY:  send two littlest children with their dad out for the day.  Tell them while they're gone, they should purchase eggs, dog food, and toilet paper, and remind them that they have a membership to the art museum!  :)

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